Honoring the dead, by serving the living.

Veterans of Foreign Wars

POST 9199

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Post 9199 History

As funds were non-existent, some of the charter members donated what personal funds they could to get the construction started. The members were able to procure a loan through Provident Trust located in Pittsburgh's North Side. The land to be cleared consisted mainly of stone. One of the members was a demolitions expert in WW II. The members decided to use dynamite to clear the area for the foundation. (Imagine doing that now!!) The members moved their automobiles far from the site of the explosion. Unfortunately, a little too much explosives was used. The explosion sent rocks flying through the air and landing on the member's cars. With the exception of their cars, and maybe their pride, no injuries were reported. The rocks and boulders were cleared using mules (animals, remember we are talking late 40's early 50's). The ground floor of the club was completed around 1952. All post activities were held there until construction of the second floor of the post around 1956.

Currently Post 9199 has 309 members of which 131 are life members. This membership is engage in a variety of programs that support veterans in our area. Our membership is involved in many local, as well as national activities. Members go to the local schools to promote patriotism and provide an understanding of history. The Post Color Guard participates in flag raising ceremonies such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veterans Day. The membership collects and distributes clothing for the less fortunate veterans within our community. On Memorial Day, at Mt. Royal Cemetery, Post 9199 places U.S. Flags on all the graves of our fallen comrades. Members along with the Auxiliary hold bingo and parties at our local VA Hospitals.

We take great pride in our Post, and provide opportunities for our members to come together socially. You are always among friends at Post 9199. Our continual commitment to veterans, our members, our community and our schools will never waiver. Please contact us if you would like to know more.

The new MT. Royal VFW Post 9199 was installed by Past County Commander John L. Bingham, assisted by Past County Commander Robert Woodside at the Elfinwild Volunteer Fire House Monday Evening, April 14. Those installed were: Commander, Bernard Wagner; Senior Vice-Commander, Ray Ellenberger; Junior Vice-Commander, Alvern Elder; Quartermaster, Kenneth Wagner: Chaplain, John Brose; Adjutant, Jack Bolinger. The next meeting will be held at the Shaler Township office on Monday April 28, at 8 p.m. All eligible veterans are urged to attend. (Community News article April 24, 1947)

With fifty members present, Post 9199 received its charter on April 14, 1947. At that time, meetings were held at various locations, as the current Post home was not constructed. Approximately three acres of land was purchased for $1,200.00 on April 26, 1948. It would take a series of zoning hearings and petitions in order to clear the way for construction.

VFW Post 9199

643 Wetzel Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15209

Phone: 412-486-1316

E-mail:  post9199@vfw9199.com

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